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Despite an 832 percent rally in just two months, whales are more interested than ever in Ethereum-based altcoins: Santiment - The Daily Hodl

The crypto analytics firm Santiment says that whales are showing significant interest in a red-hot Ethereum (ETH)-based Chainlink (LINK) rival.

The native asset of decentralized oracle protocol Tellor (TRB) clocked 51 unique $100,000+ transactions on Monday, a new all-time high.

TRB is trading at $91.66 at time of writing, up from around $9.83 two months ago, a staggering increase of more than 832%. Despite the massive gains, however, the asset remains more than 43% down from its all-time high of $161.12, which it hit in May 2021.

Santiment also notes that TRB’s unique active addresses and newly created addresses are both surging.

“Tellor’s price has now jumped ~+750% since July, and whales are showing more interest than ever before while new addresses continue to pour in. TRB is now the #192 market cap asset (and rising) as it leads the altcoin charge here in October.”

Source: Santiment / X

Additionally, the analytics firm notes that LINK, blockchain scaling solution Polygon (MATIC), layer-1 blockchain Aptos (APT), and lending platform Aave (AAVE) are all witnessing their “best-performing de-couplings” of the year.

“Unlike Bitcoin’s previous two brief visits to $30,000, this latest resistance level break to end the weekend has occurred as altcoins surge, rather than falling behind BTC’s price.”

Source: Santiment / X

LINK, the 14th-ranked crypto asset by market cap, is trading at $10.31 at time of writing. MATIC, the 13th-ranked, is worth $0.625. APT, ranked 35th, is currently changing hands at $6.23. The 41st-ranked AAVE is trading for $83.31.

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