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Prediction for the Price of Binance Coin: $QUBE is expected to rise 1,800%, while $BNB may fall below $200


In the volatile world of cryptocurrency, investors and beginner cryptocurrency enthusiasts constantly seek insights into the price movements of their chosen digital assets. In this article, we delve into the recent performance of Binance Coin ($BNB) and the promising future of InQubeta ($QUBE). While $BNB has faced recent challenges that might see it drop below the $200 mark, $QUBE is poised for an incredible 1,800% rise. Let’s explore these developments in detail.

$BNB Could Drop Below $200


Recently, Binance ($BNB) embarked on a recovery journey, surpassing the $215 resistance zone several times in September and October. However, the cryptocurrency market’s overall downturn prevented it from clearing the $220 resistance. As a result, $BNB succumbed to bearish pressure and slipped below the $215 support level. This decline was accompanied by a breach of a key bullish trend line around the $214.5 mark and a dip below the 100 simple moving average on the 4-hour chart.

$BNB is now consolidating near the 76.4% Fibonacci retracement level, which traces its origins from the $207 swing low to the $221 high. Should a recovery attempt arise, it may encounter resistance around the $213 level and the 100 simple moving average on the 4-hour chart. A decisive move above $215 could propel $BNB to test the primary resistance range between $220 and $222. A close above $222 might even pave the way for a more substantial climb toward the $250 resistance.

However, there’s a bearish scenario to consider as well. If this top ten cryptocurrency fails to break above the $215 resistance, it could initiate another downtrend. Initial support can be found around $210, followed by a more significant support level near $207. A breach below $207 could trigger a more substantial decline, potentially leading $BNB to test the $165 support level.

QUBE Set for a 1,800% Rise


Amid $BNB’s uncertain trajectory, InQubeta ($QUBE) is one of the intriguing new DeFi projects with substantial growth potential. InQubeta represents the future of blockchain technology, marked by innovation and unique features that have captured the attention of both crypto enthusiasts and savvy investors.

The InQubeta ($QUBE) presale has been impressive, raising over $3.5 million and selling over 393 million tokens. The initial token price of $0.007 has already surged to $0.0133 now that the event is in its fourth stage, signaling significant gains for early investors. Anticipation is mounting as the DeFi coin price is anticipated to reach $0.0308 upon launch, hinting at the potential for considerable returns.

What sets InQubeta ($QUBE) apart from other DeFi projects is its fusion of blockchain technology with artificial intelligence (AI). An innovative NFT marketplace and staking options for token holders are also selling points that have industry insiders convinced that its native token, $QUBE, can achieve 1,800% growth in the future. These features combine to create a project that offers exhilarating investment opportunities while contributing to the broader cryptocurrency ecosystem’s development. InQubeta’s forward-thinking method positions it as one of the best altcoins to invest in, shaping the future of decentralized technologies.

The ascent of InQubeta ($QUBE) in 2023 is poised to be nothing short of extraordinary. It’s leading the way as the world’s pioneering crypto crowdfunding platform, introducing the concept of fractional investment in AI startups through $QUBE tokens. This groundbreaking ecosystem features $QUBE ERC20 coins with a deflationary mechanism which helps to drive the altcoin price upward. This is made possible through a strategic allocation of taxes, wherein a portion of the buy and sell tax in each transaction is directed to a burn wallet. 

The appeal of InQubeta ($QUBE) goes beyond its fractional investment model. Aside from enabling investors to participate in the growth of AI startups, the platform also rewards $QUBE holders through staking. 2% of the buy tax and 5% of the total sell tax are redirected to the reward pool, incentivizing investors to hold onto their tokens and contribute to the development and growth of the platform. 

$QUBE is likewise a governance token, empowering holders to make decisions that shape the platform’s future. The more $QUBE ERC20 coins a holder has, the more influence they have in InQubeta’s decision-making processes.

InQubeta’s approach to NFTs and fractionalization has not only garnered attention within the blockchain and crypto communities but has also translated into a rapidly growing Twitter following. Their Twitter account has seen a surge in followers, with crypto enthusiasts, investors, and blockchain enthusiasts keen to stay updated on the latest developments and opportunities presented by InQubeta’s groundbreaking AI investment model. This growing social media presence reflects the growing interest and anticipation surrounding InQubeta’s future prospects in the beginner cryptocurrency and blockchain space.

With its ongoing presale, early investors have the potential to reap substantial gains on their initial investment, especially since InQubeta ($QUBE) is set for a 1,800% price increase. The visionary approach the platform takes towards AI investments bridges the gap between startups and investors, fostering a more accessible and inclusive investment ecosystem.


Final Thoughts


While Binance Coin ($BNB) faces some short-term uncertainties, InQubeta ($QUBE) emerges as a promising blockchain project poised for a remarkable growth of 1,800% in the future. Its innovative approach to AI startup funding and NFT-based fundraising sets it on a trajectory for significant success, making it an exciting addition to any investor’s portfolio and a worthwhile speculative investment for those seeking a good crypto to buy for long-term gains. As always, investors need to conduct thorough research and consider their risk tolerance when making investment decisions in the volatile world of cryptocurrencies.

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Disclaimer: Any financial and crypto market information given on Analytics Insight are sponsored articles, written for informational purpose only and is not an investment advice. The readers are further advised that Crypto products and NFTs are unregulated and can be highly risky. There may be no regulatory recourse for any loss from such transactions. Conduct your own research by contacting financial experts before making any investment decisions. The decision to read hereinafter is purely a matter of choice and shall be construed as an express undertaking/guarantee in favour of Analytics Insight of being absolved from any/ all potential legal action, or enforceable claims. We do not represent nor own any cryptocurrency, any complaints, abuse or concerns with regards to the information provided shall be immediately informed here.


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Name: Jessica Luna

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Introduction: My name is Jessica Luna, I am a expert, striking, Gifted, dedicated, priceless, multicolored, spirited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.