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Utilize Accointing | Entrepreneur to Simplify Your Crypto Taxes

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    Nobody gets excited for tax season, not even accountants. And when you make more money and diversify the money you make with investments like crypto and property, tax season becomes even more of a headache. This year, crypto taxes, at least, can be a lot easier. For a limited time, you can get an Accointing Crypto Tax Software Pro Plan for 40 percent off.

    Accointing is one of the top crypto tax software on the market. It's earned 4.6 stars on the App Store, 4.3 stars on the Google Play Store and was named the Best Portfolio Tracker at the 2021 Benzinga Fintech Awards. This intuitive program lets you track, manage, and report all of your cryptocurrency transactions across different exchanges all in one place. With more than 300 integrations, you can access your complete financial record via mobile app or desktop and automatically calculate your wins and losses.

    Accointing's dashboard and crypto tracker can help you analyze your performance and take a deep-dive into your transactions in real-time, set up market alerts, research trending tokens, and more, allowing you to maximize your opportunities in the marketplace. Plus, thanks to those integrations, you can easily file your Form 8949 with TurboTax, a CPA, or you can print it out to file yourself. All of it takes just five clicks to get a customized crypto tax report.

    With a Pro Plan, you can track up to 50,000 total transactions in your portfolio tracking dashboard that you can include on your tax report. You'll also get access to a tax-loss harvesting tool.

    Make filing crypto gains and losses easier this year. Right now, you can get an Accointing Crypto Tax Software Pro Plan for 60 percent off $299 at just $119.99. Get the Hobbyist Plan for 62 percent off $79 at just $29.99 or the Trader Plan for 60 percent off $199 at just $79.99.

    Prices are subject to change.


    Article information

    Author: Haley Cole

    Last Updated: 1700152203

    Views: 1250

    Rating: 3.8 / 5 (46 voted)

    Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Haley Cole

    Birthday: 1946-11-27

    Address: 2823 Schneider River Apt. 848, Matthewstad, ND 14949

    Phone: +4799531366181264

    Job: Dental Hygienist

    Hobby: Graphic Design, Writing, Cooking, Kite Flying, Stamp Collecting, Bird Watching, Playing Guitar

    Introduction: My name is Haley Cole, I am a Gifted, dazzling, dear, clever, forthright, ingenious, fearless person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.